In 1998, a group of young entrepreneurs, led by two young men, faced an unexpected challenge that could have brought an abrupt end to their dreams. Instead of giving up, they resolved to find an alternative path, resulting in a life-altering decision that over the next 25 years, went on to impact the lives of thousands of people around the world.

As we embarked on our 25th year in 2023, we remembered and honoured this Legacy: the legacy of those two young men, our Founders, Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran and Joseph ‘Japadas’ Bismark. A legacy defined by a commitment to truth, courage, resilience, and above all, hope for a better future.


Over the last 25 years, the QI Group has been on a mission to make a positive difference in the world through everything we do, be it our businesses, partnerships, investments, and even sponsorships. Our core philosophy of RYTHM — Raise Yourself to Help Mankind, is shaped by the teachings of the great humanitarian leader Mahatma Gandhi, who our Founders are deeply inspired by. We are perhaps the only organisation in the world to refer to Gandhi as our corporate icon.

We are proud of the Impact we have made in the lives of people and the communities we have been a part of over the last quarter of a century. Through our businesses and products, we have helped people discover their best self and supported micro-entrepreneurship in emerging economies; thousands of young students have benefited from our focus on reforming higher education, our investments in different parts of the world have encouraged sustainable practises that support the local community and contribute towards reducing our carbon footprint.

Through our corporate foundation, we have helped more than 100,000 people in underserved communities in around 30 different countries with education and skills development programmes, infrastructure development, and community development projects.

As we cross this important milestone, we cannot look ahead without recognising the contributions and dedication of everyone who has played a role in our success. From the distributors and network leaders of our direct selling business, our business partners who have stood by us through challenging times, to our employees, many of whom have been with us for a significant part of this journey. Their stories have shaped our legacy and will continue to inspire innovations that define our future.


Over the last 25 years, the QI Group has been on a mission to make a positive difference in the world through everything we do, be it our businesses, partnerships, investments, and even sponsorships. Our core philosophy of RYTHM — Raise Yourself to Help Mankind, is shaped by the teachings of the great humanitarian leader Mahatma Gandhi, who our Founders are deeply inspired by. We are perhaps the only organisation in the world to refer to Gandhi as our corporate icon.

We are proud of the Impact we have made in the lives of people and the communities we have been a part of over the last quarter of a century. Through our businesses and products, we have helped people discover their best self and supported micro-entrepreneurship in emerging economies; thousands of young students have benefited from our focus on reforming higher education, our investments in different parts of the world have encouraged sustainable practises that support the local community and contribute towards reducing our carbon footprint.

Through our corporate foundation, we have helped more than 100,000 people in underserved communities in around 30 different countries with education and skills development programmes, infrastructure development, and community development projects.

As we cross this important 25th milestone year in 2023, we cannot look ahead without recognising the contributions and dedication of everyone who has played a role in our success. From the distributors and network leaders of our direct selling business, our business partners who have stood by us through challenging times, to our employees, many of whom have been with us for a significant part of this journey. Their stories have shaped our legacy and will continue to inspire innovations that define our future.



A Future that involves creating a sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world. Our core values are derived from the ethos of RYTHM. These values that serve as the pillars of our organisation are — Integrity, Service, Leadership, and Sustainability. And these values will continue to be our light in pursuit of greater achievements yet to come.

We cannot rest on our laurels. We must continue accelerating our efforts to become a driving force for positive change, empowering people and communities through our various businesses and initiatives.

In 2023, we marked our milestone anniversary with a year-long celebration as we honoured the legacy of our Founders, celebrated the impact we have made, and prepared to accelerate into the future.



A Future that involves creating a sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world. Our core values are derived from the ethos of RYTHM. These values that serve as the pillars of our organisation are — Integrity, Service, Leadership, and Sustainability. And these values will continue to be our light in pursuit of greater achievements yet to come.

We cannot rest on our laurels. We must continue accelerating our efforts to become a driving force for positive change, empowering people and communities through our various businesses and initiatives.

This year, as we mark our milestone anniversary, join us for a year-long celebration as we honour the legacy of our Founders, celebrate the impact we have made, and prepare to accelerate into the future.