World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab wrote, “Leaders must understand that we are living in a world marked by uncertainty, volatility and deep transformational changes.” This world is often described as ‘VUCA’, the acronym for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.
When VUCA becomes constant, the lines of globalisation and technology make it harder to discern the better way to grow and lead organisations.
Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran, Founder and Executive Chairman of the QI Group, and the University Council Chairman, was the keynote speaker at Quest International University’s (QIU) International Quest Business Conference (IQBC) 2022. The Conference carried the theme Leading and Managing in a VUCA Ecosystem.
At the Conference, he shared his insights based on steering the QI Group through challenging times. He pointed out that times of crises and recessions are most often opportunities for leaders to prove their mettle. And the key to navigating difficult times is to change and adapt continuously and consistently. In his speech, he highlighted that now is a great time to review future-proofing plans considering the ongoing geopolitical situation.
In his parting words, he emphasised that adapting, adjusting and accommodating are crucial to riding the storm and mitigating the challenges that will arise.
Watch his speech here.