QI Group has an almost equal gender ratio with around 46% women in its overall workforce and 43% of the managerial level are women. Our C-level is made of 40% female executives and our Board has 30% women.
With such a strong representation of women in the workforce, it’s only natural that the International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration on March 8 was extended as a week-long celebration within the QI Group. Our global offices held many activities of all staff to participate in including creative workshops, self-defence class facilitated by our employees and community volunteering events, to mark this special week.
In Malaysia, the Operational HQ of QI, the week-long celebration concluded with a main event attended by the staff and management. About 300 staff came together to be a part of this special ceremony and show their appreciation for the strength, passion and service-above-self attitude displayed by the QI Wonder Women. Many of them came dressed in their best traditional outfit to commemorate and embrace diversity of this big QI family.
Collectively, we believe each and everyone of us can help create a gender-equal world. Let’s all embrace this year’s global theme, #EachforEqual.
Here are some of the activities captured during the IWD week by our global offices and a video highlight of the main event in Malaysia.
Our employees in Russia celebrated IWD at the Young Mom Special Centre.
Our Bangkok office conducted Train-the-Trainer self-defence class so they can empower underprivileged women and children to protect themselves.
Our Hong Kong employees packed and distributed 100 hygiene packets to assist underprivileged women to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our employees in Vietnam visited the Thanh Tam House, a shelter for unwed mothers and their babies.
QI employees in Singapore got together for a baking session.
Our employees in QI Malaysia equipping themselves with some self-grooming skills.