Each year, in the month of April, the world marks Autism Acceptance Month. A time dedicated to raising awareness, celebrating neurodiversity, and advocating for the inclusion of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in all aspects of life.

This year, Taarana, the QI Group’s school for special needs education, organised a ‘Walk for Autism’ in Malaysia, exemplifying the spirit of the month. The walk brought together students of the Taarana school, their families, QI Group employees, and the local community to raise awareness about ASD and advocate for a more inclusive society.

Autism Acceptance Month is a time to challenge social stereotypes and build understanding. Events like the ‘Walk for Autism’ create opportunities for communities to rally together and celebrate neurodiversity.

The team from QI was led by the Group Managing Director Kuna Senathirajah, who was joined by other Board members Boey Kho, Director of Human Resources, and Pathman Senathirajah, Director of Marketing & Sales; and Krish Kumar, Director of Business Development.

Over 200 people showed up to support the 1.5 KM walk, including family members of many employees.

The event also hosted booths showcasing crafts by special needs children, as well as mental wellness and physical therapy services. The children also had the chance to paint their expressions on a giant blank canvas.

Embedded within our corporate ethos is RYTHM—Raise Yourself To Help Mankind—a guiding principle that underscores our commitment to societal betterment. The ‘Walk for Autism’ was a tangible embodiment of this ethos, a testament to the profound impact of community solidarity in nurturing a world that embraces neurodiversity and empowers every individual to realise their fullest potential.