QI staff in Malaysia set the festive mood for 40 residents of Ci Hang-Chempaka Welfare Home, an old folks home in the Klang Valley, when they dropped by to celebrate the Lunar New Year with them. The event was organised by Vijayaratnam Foundation – the Malaysian Chapter of RYTHM Foundation, which is the corporate social responsibility arm of the QI Group of Companies – and sponsored by QuestNet Malaysia .
Vijayaratnam Foundation Chairman and Executive Board Member Datin Umayal Eswaran said that the event was part of the Foundation’s initiative to bring some joy to the lives of others and reach out to the underprivileged during the festive season. “We want to give them a sense of self-worth by showing them that they are valued enough for us to celebrate with them, “she said.
Residents of the home were treated to a comedic lion dance performance, a magic show, ‘Ang Pows’ worth RM50 each, sponsored by QuestNet Malaysia, and also a goodie bag containing toiletries – a special donation by QI staff. The event concluded with a communal tossing of Yee Sang, which the Chinese consider to be a symbol of prosperity.
To learn more about Vijayaratnam Foundation and their other community service projects, please visit http://www.vf.org.my/